NANA EZI Probiotic


Content: 3g x 15 sachets


NANA EZI Probiotic

Dual-Action Advanced Support for Digestion & Nutritional Absorption

NANA EZI’s  Enzyme Probiotic Complex contains Naturally-Based Digestive Enzymes Complex & Kefir  Probioticis; an ideal choice for  individuals looking for a superior level of dual nutritional benefits


细胞酵素生化益生菌综合素包含天然消化酶复合物和开菲尔益生菌; 是寻求双重营养优势的个人理想选择

Promotes :

  • Efficient digestion and gastro-intestinal wellness
  • It works to maximize nutrient absorption by delivering a broad spectrum of enzyme activity for thorough protein, fat and carbohydrate breakdown.
  • Provides the essential foundation you need for efficient digestion and gastric wellness


  • 高效消化和肠胃健康
  • 它通过提供广泛的酶活性来彻底清除蛋白质,脂肪和碳水化合物,从而最大程度地吸收养分
  • 提供有效消化和胃部健康所需的基本基础

Nana Ezi’s  Enzyme contents  help to support the body’s natural digestive process, it  break down protein into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple sugars and fats into fatty acids that your body absorbs as nutrients for energy needs and cell growth. If protein, carbohydrates and fats are not properly digested as they pass through the stomach, they may be broken down by the bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract, which could cause a feeling of discomfort during or after a meal

细胞酵素生化益生菌综合素的酵素含量有助于支持人体的自然消化过程,可以将蛋白质分解为氨基酸,将碳水化合物分解为简单的糖,将脂肪分解为脂肪酸,您的身体可以将其吸收为能量和细胞生长所需的营养。 如果蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪在通过胃时未得到适当的消化,则它们可能会被胃肠道中的细菌分解,从而可能在大便期间或之后引起不适感

Nana Ezi’s  Probiotics content :  Kefir, a pure natural detox probiotic, is made from milk or goat milk and is a type of yogurt. It contains vitamin A, B2, B12, C calcium lactate, pantothenic acid, folic acid, nucleic acid, amino acids, various free fatty acids, etc.; both control fat production  further support microbial balance of healthy Intestinal microflora imbalance may lead to inefficient digestion. Additionally, intestinal microflora helps promote absorption of nutrients, further supporting digestive health

细胞酵素生化益生菌综合素的益生菌含量: 开菲尔,纯天然排毒益生菌是以牛奶或羊奶为原料,是酸奶的一种。

它含有维生素A, B2, B12, C乳酸钙,泛酸,叶酸,核酸,胺基酸,各种游离脂肪酸等;既控制脂肪产生也进一步支持健康的微生物平衡, 肠道菌群失衡可能导致消化效率低下; 此外它也助于促进营养吸收,进一步支持消化系统健康

Elimination Of Intracellular Environmental Waste

Human toxins are nothing but excess waste in the body. There are two main sources: metabolic waste produced after food digestion and absorption is retained; various pollutions from the environment are deposited in the body. Everyone is constantly inhaling this garbage every day. The internal organs and blood are more or less stored. As long as they are removed quickly, they are considered healthy. If more and more toxin residues exceed the body’s functional burden of elimination, it will become an obstacle to body health.



Free Radical

It is the endotoxin that causes the greatest harm to the human body. This substance is the product of the body’s oxidation reaction. It is constantly produced and plays an important role in the aging process and pharmacological and toxicological effects of the human body. It also damages proteins, DNA, etc. in the body, and causes cell death or canceration




The toxins contained in the feces are the source of all diseases. If the feces can not leave the body within 12-24 hours, they will rot and deteriorate in the intestine, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. If the stool stays in the human body for a long time, the toxins in it may be reabsorbed by the intestinal tract, harming the human body.



Uric  Acid

Uric acid is the final product after metabolism of a substance called “purine” that constitutes the nucleic acid component of the nucleus 3, and is mainly excreted by the kidneys. If there is too much uric acid, or the drainage is not smooth, it will be deposited in the human soft tissues or joints, causing joint swelling and deformation.



Exhaust Gas

The human body breathes in fresh air and exhales the gases it does not need. However, because modern people breathe shallowly, or have insufficient exercise time, they cannot take deep breaths to expel the exhaust gas, causing the exhaust gas to accumulate in the lungs.


人体吸进新鲜空气,呼出自己不需要的气体。但由于现代人都是浅层呼吸,或运动时间不够,不能进行深呼吸把废气排出体外 ,导致废气积压在肺部。


Toxic garbage and fatty matter stick to the blood vessels and hinder the flow of blood. Slowly these blocked blood vessels will become harder and thicker. The heart must work harder to send enough blood to the cells through these blocked blood vessels. It causes high blood pressure, blood clots, heart disease and stroke, a condition called arteriosclerosis.




Fever is a natural method of body purification. When white blood cells fight toxins in the body, the metabolism speeds up and the body heats up.




Undigested spoiled food in the intestine will form a odorous gas, most of which will be sucked into the blood, causing poisoning. These gases can also return from the intestines to the stomach, causing hiccups, or being released through the stomach and intestines. They will also go into the mouth and produce odor and sourness.




Constipation is one of the main causes of the disease. When the toxic waste in the body adheres to the intestinal wall, the entire intestine is covered with thick mucosa, which will gradually reduce the secretion of digestive juice and reduce the digestive power, causing indigestion, and even causing gastrointestinal inflammation.



Too Fat or Too Thin

Any abnormal body shape is caused by improper metabolism. Fat people are prone to have excess fat and wastes that block the body’s environment; thin people have indigestion due to metabolic wastes, no matter how much they eat, they cannot be properly absorbed.



Arthritis and Rheumatism 关节炎和风湿症
Tumor 肿瘤

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